Longfellow Committees & Working Groups
Do you have a community concern, idea for a new project or want to work with neighbors to improve Greater Longfellow? Join or start a working group and bring your ideas to fruition with the help of LCC! Or join a committee to keep updated on development and environmental issues. Membership is informal, so you can attend meetings every month, or just the ones you’re interested in. Check out our agendas and minutes for past and upcoming work.
Join a Committee!
Equitable Development Committee
Review and discuss ongoing and upcoming development projects in Greater Longfellow through the lens of equity; meet with developers, planners, and take action on supported projects.
Environment & River Gorge Committee
Work to create environmentally focused programs, projects and events that help advance the greening of Greater Longfellow. By promoting and protecting the Mississippi River Gorge, we ensure its longevity.
Learn More
Participate in a Working Group!
Free the Deeds
Help discharge racial covenants on properties throughout the Greater Longfellow neighborhood. There are currently over 800 racial covenants remaining between the four neighborhoods. Help educate your neighbors through initiatives like door knocking, tabling and more. Sign up using the form below!
For more information or questions call us at 612-722-4529.
Sign up for a Longfellow Committee
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