equitable development Committee

 Goals & Purpose

The Equitable Development Committee (EDC) is an Ad Hoc committee that reviews and discusses development projects in the Greater Longfellow area and supports issues and opportunities that support equitable development and benefit the community at large. 

The committee also assists with the review of new development proposals and hosts developers and planners for presentations on upcoming projects.

Join us at an upcoming meeting!

Join us at an upcoming meeting! EDC meets on the first Wednesdays of month from 6- 7pm; all meetings are open to the public, and residents of Greater Longfellow are invited to participate in voting. 

Zoom Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87459315081

Click here to sign up for our committee email list. If you have questions about our committees, please contact lisa@longfellow.org.

Information on developments in the Longfellow Neighborhood

Community presentations by Cody Fischer, founder and president of Footprint Development, and Dan Walsh, VP of housing development for Trellis, on plans and schematics for two potential developments in the Longfellow Neighborhood. 

This presentation was organized by the EHDC on Wednesday, August 2nd. Watch the recording  or read the Zoom chat.

The developments:

  • 3561 Minnehaha Avenue:  how it meets Minneapolis 2040 Access to Housing policy by being attainably priced, bike/transit oriented, and constructed and operated within a low carbon footprint.
  •  3716 Cheatham Ave: a development with approximately 100 affordable apartments units targeted towards families with an average income of 50% AMI.