Longfellow Event Calendar & Board Meetings

3rd Police Precinct Site Community Conversations (1 of 5)

Hook & Ladder 3010 Minnehaha Ave, Minneapolis, MN, United States

Longfellow Community Council is thankful and energized to be a part of the community engagement efforts around the future site of the police building in the 3rd precinct as it [...]

3rd Police Precinct Site Community Conversations (2 of 5)

Midtown Global Market 920 E. Lake Street, Minneapolis, United States

Longfellow Community Council is thankful and energized to be a part of the community engagement efforts around the future site of the police building in the 3rd precinct as it [...]

3rd Police Precinct Site Community Conversations (3 of 5)

Roosevelt High School 4029 S 28th Ave, Minneapolis, MN, United States

Longfellow Community Council is thankful and energized to be a part of the community engagement efforts around the future site of the police building in the 3rd precinct as it [...]

3rd Police Precinct Site Community Conversation (5 of 5)

Sabathani Community Center 310 E 38th St, Minneapolis, MN, United States

Longfellow Community Council is thankful and energized to be a part of the community engagement efforts around the future site of the police building in the 3rd precinct as it is vital to bring residents, businesses and community organizations into the conversation and that we start the work of taking down the barbed wire and [...]