Longfellow Event Calendar & Board Meetings

LCC Board of Directors Meeting


Our Board of Directors discusses the objectives and programming of Longfellow Community Council and votes on grants and projects. Look at our agenda for a more complete picture of what we’re doing each month. Our Board meets the third Tuesday of the month from 6pm to 8pm. All meetings are open to the public and are currently [...]

2024 Legislative Update

Two Bettys Green Cleaning Company 3101 Minnehaha Ave, Minneapolis, MN, United States

Every year after the Legislative session, the Longfellow Business Association, Seward Civic and Commerce Association, and Lake Street Council invite legislators to come and share updates that may be relevant to business owners. This also provides an opportunity for business owners to ask questions to the legislators. This year we will be joined by State Senator Zaynab Mohamed (District 63) [...]

Sip & Stitch: Neighborhood Craft Meetup

Arbeiter Brewing 3038 Minnehaha Ave, Minneapolis, United States

Build community while working on your fiber arts project! This bi-weekly knitting and crochet meetup is organized by Greater Longfellow residents and meets the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays of the Month from 7 to 9pm at Arbeiter Brewing. Come when you can or come bi-weekly! Bring a project in progress or start one at the meetup. ** [...]

LCC Community Office Hours

Milkweed 3822 E Lake St, Minneapolis, MN, United States

Connect with your neighborhood organization!  Join Longfellow Community Council Organizer Ben at one of our upcoming community office hours. He'll be at a new location from 12 to 4pm on the third Tuesday of every month. Connect with us by email - ben@longfellow.org. This month find Ben at one of our great neighborhood cafes, Milkweed. [...]

Equitable Development Committee Meeting


The Equitable Development Committee focuses on reviewing, researching, and discussing development projects and updates in the Longfellow Community. The committee also assists with the review of new development proposals and [...]

NO MEETING THIS MONTH! Environment & River Gorge Committee Meeting


The Environment-River Gorge Committee (ERG) discusses environmentally-focused initiatives that promote sustainability in the neighborhood and in greater South Minneapolis. They also discuss programs and projects that help advance the greening of Greater Longfellow and protect the River Gorge and help form working committees. Find the agenda for details on upcoming meetings. ERG meets the first Wednesday of [...]

Neighborhood Garage Sale

Shop the Longfellow Neighborhood Garage Sales! There will be over 70 sales throughout the four neighborhoods (Cooper, Hiawatha, Howe, Longfellow) on Saturday, June 8th and Sunday, June 9th. Times vary by sale, so make sure to check out our interactive map or download a PDF with sale details. Find printed maps at local stores and [...]

East Lake Street Clean Up

The Community Clean Ups gather people from the neighborhood and community together to contribute to the health and vitality of the Greater Longfellow neighborhood by cleaning up Lake Street. All are welcome. This is a free, family-friendly event – join us Tuesday, June 11th! Sign up here: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0E49A8AB2AA2F9C16-46837390-2024#/ To join the clean up simply sign [...]

Sip & Stitch: Neighborhood Craft Meetup

Arbeiter Brewing 3038 Minnehaha Ave, Minneapolis, United States

Build community while working on your fiber arts project! This bi-weekly knitting and crochet meetup is organized by Greater Longfellow residents and meets the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays of the Month from 7 to 9pm at Arbeiter Brewing. Come when you can or come bi-weekly! Bring a project in progress or start one at the meetup. [...]

POSTPONED: Working Towards Repair: Undoing the Legacy of Racial Covenants in S. Mpls

Riverview Theater 3800 42nd Ave S, Minneapolis, MN, United States

Join us from 6 to 8pm at the Riverview Theater on Monday, June 17th for an inspiring event featuring a showing of the TPT Series "Jim Crow of the North Stories", live performances from artists, and updates from Free the Deeds about the efforts to discharge racial covenants in the Greater Longfellow neighborhood. The evening [...]

LCC Community Office Hours

Fireroast Coffee 3800 37th Ave S, Minneapolis, MN, United States

Connect with your neighborhood organization!  Join Longfellow Community Council Organizer Ben at one of our upcoming community office hours. He'll be at a new location from 12 to 4pm on the third Tuesday of every month. Connect with us by email - ben@longfellow.org. This month find Ben at one of our great neighborhood cafes, Fireroast [...]

LCC Board of Directors Meeting


Our Board of Directors discusses the objectives and programming of Longfellow Community Council and votes on grants and projects. Look at our agenda for a more complete picture of what we’re doing each month. Our Board meets the third Tuesday of the month from 6pm to 8pm. All meetings are open to the public and are currently [...]