Longfellow Event Calendar & Board Meetings

Free the Deeds at the Midtown Farmers Market

Midtown Farmers Market 2225 Lake Street E, Minneapolis, MN, United States

Free the Deeds will be at the Midtown Farmers Market! We'll be there with information on racial covenants as well as help residents look up their properties and check for [...]

Free the Deeds Volunteer Training

LCC Office 3101 Minnehaha Ave, Minneapolis, MN, United States

Volunteers interested in discharging racial covenants can attend a training session to learn more about racial covenants, why discharging covenants matter, and what to expect while volunteering. Meet other volunteers [...]

Free the Deed Volunteer Training

LCC Office 3101 Minnehaha Ave, Minneapolis, MN, United States

Volunteers interested in discharging racial covenants can attend a training session to learn more about racial covenants, why discharging covenants matter, and what to expect while volunteering. Meet other volunteers [...]

Free the Deeds Volunteer Training (Rescheduled)

LCC Office 3101 Minnehaha Ave, Minneapolis, MN, United States

Volunteers interested in discharging racial covenants can attend a training session to learn more about racial covenants, why discharging covenants matter, and what to expect while volunteering. Meet other volunteers [...]

Free the Deeds Door Knocking

Longfellow Community Council Office 3101 Minnehaha Ave, Minneapolis, MN, United States

Volunteer with Free the Deeds and help us remove the 900+ racial covenants in Greater Longfellow with a door knocking campaign throughout the month of April  We will be going [...]

Free the Deeds Door Knocking

LCC Office 3101 Minnehaha Ave, Minneapolis, MN, United States

Volunteer with Free the Deeds and help us remove the 900+ racial covenants in Greater Longfellow with a door knocking campaign throughout the month of April!  We will be going door-to-door [...]

Free the Deeds Door Knocking

LCC Office 3101 Minnehaha Ave, Minneapolis, MN, United States

Volunteer with Free the Deeds and help us remove the 900+ racial covenants in Greater Longfellow with a door knocking campaign throughout the month of April  We will be going door-to-door [...]

Free the Deeds Door Knocking

LCC Office 3101 Minnehaha Ave, Minneapolis, MN, United States

Volunteer with Free the Deeds and help us remove the 900+ racial covenants in Greater Longfellow with a door knocking campaign throughout the month of April  We will be going door-to-door [...]

Free the Deeds Door Knocking

LCC Office 3101 Minnehaha Ave, Minneapolis, MN, United States

Volunteer with Free the Deeds and help us remove the 900+ racial covenants in Greater Longfellow with a door knocking campaign throughout the month of April  We will be going door-to-door [...]

Free the Deeds Door Knocking

LCC Office 3101 Minnehaha Ave, Minneapolis, MN, United States

Volunteer with Free the Deeds and help us remove the 900+ racial covenants in Greater Longfellow with a door knocking campaign throughout the month of April  We will be going door-to-door [...]

City of Plymouth Just Deeds Informational Event

Plymouth Community Center 14800 34th Ave N, Plymouth, MN, United States

Join the City of Plymouth to learn about the history of Just Deeds; discriminatory covenants and how to remove covenants from deeds; enjoy refreshments and more! At the Black Box [...]

POSTPONED: Working Towards Repair: Undoing the Legacy of Racial Covenants in S. Mpls

Riverview Theater 3800 42nd Ave S, Minneapolis, MN, United States

Join us from 6 to 8pm at the Riverview Theater on Monday, June 17th for an inspiring event featuring a showing of the TPT Series "Jim Crow of the North Stories", live performances from artists, and updates from Free the Deeds about the efforts to discharge racial covenants in the Greater Longfellow neighborhood. The evening [...]