Longfellow Event Calendar & Board Meetings

Equitable Development Committee Meeting


The Equitable Development Committee focuses on reviewing, researching, and discussing development projects and updates in the Longfellow Community. The committee also assists with the review of new development proposals and [...]

Environment & River Gorge Committee Meeting


The Environment & River Gorge Committee (ERG) discusses environmentally-focused initiatives that promote sustainability in the neighborhood and in greater South Minneapolis. They also discuss programs and projects that help advance the greening of Greater Longfellow and protect the River Gorge and help form working committees. Find the agenda for details on upcoming meetings. ERG meets the first [...]

2025 Community Connections Conference: Participation is Power

Minneapolis Convention Center 1301 S 2nd Ave, Minneapolis, MN, United States

The Community Connections Conference is an annual *free* event that connects residents of Minneapolis, community groups, neighborhoods and local government. All are invited! Community Connections Conference Saturday, Feb. 8, 9 [...]

Board of Directors Meeting


Our Board of Directors discusses the objectives and programming of Longfellow Community Council and votes on grants and projects. Look at our agenda for a more complete picture of what we’re doing [...]

See you at the Spring Gathering on April 10th! Get to know your neighbors and have a voice in your neighborhood organization at Longfellow Community Council’s Spring Gathering and Board Elections. All in attendance will have a chance to hear from and vote on incoming board members. Food will be provided free of charge. This [...]

Longfellow Garage Sale Weekend

Save the date for the Longfellow Neighborhood Garage Sale! On Saturday, June 7th, and Sunday, June 8th, multiple sales will be held throughout the four neighborhoods (Cooper, Hiawatha, Howe, Longfellow). [...]