Mission Statement

The mission of the Longfellow Community Council is to improve the well being of our diverse community through engagement, involvement and empowerment.

Guiding Documents

Strategic Plan (View PDF)

The Longfellow Community Council Board of Directors have set this bridge Strategic Plan to guide their work, with staff support, during this time of staffing and pandemic transitioning. Work to establish a 5-year Strategic Plan with yearly goals will begin development in January of 2022.

Grievance Policy (View PDF)

Longfellow Community Council, state and federal law require all of
the organization’s directors, officers, and employees to observe high standards of business and personal ethics in the conduct of their duties and responsibilities. All employees and representatives of the LCC must practice honesty and integrity in fulfilling their responsibilities and comply with the laws. We will investigate complaints of suspected fraudulent or dishonest use or misuse of its resources or property by staff, board members, consultants, volunteers, or members. We will also investigate complaints concerning its programs and services.

Our commitment to accessibility

LCC invites and encourages participation by all residents to each and every one of our organized programs, services and events. As some of our programming has moved online, please reach out if you need assistance setting up or understanding Zoom, Signup Genius or any of the Google forms we use. You can reach our Director, Rachel Boeke, by calling (612) 722-4529 or emailing rachel@longfellow.org

Pronoun statement

LCC recognizes that name and gender identity are central to most individuals’ sense of self and well-being, and that it is important for LCC to establish mechanisms to acknowledge and support individuals’ self-identification. One way we can support identity is by honoring the name and pronouns that each of us go by. Many people might go by a name in daily life that is different from their legal name. In our gatherings, we seek to refer to people by the names that they go by. Pronouns can be a way to affirm someone’s gender identity, but they can also be unrelated to a person’s identity. They are simply a public way in which people are referred to in place of their name (e.g. “he” or “she” or “they” or “ze” or something else). At all LCC Board and committee meetings, you are invited (if you want to) to share what pronouns you go by, and we seek to refer to people using the pronouns that they share. The pronouns someone indicates are not necessarily indicative of their gender identity.

Land acknowledgement statement

Minneapolis is situated on the homelands of the Dakota people. An area that is steeped in rich Indigenous history, and today is home to Indigenous people from more than 30 different nations. As a City, we have a responsibility to care for the land on which we live and work and all its natural surroundings. This stewardship is an integral part of our involvement in LCC, and we honor it.

Bylaws (View PDF)

Bylaws are the go-to source for how an organization operates. LCC is in the process of updating our bylaws and will seek community input during Spring of 2022.

Financial reports

Approved LCC Budget FY 2024 vs 2023

FY 2023: Profit & Loss Statement, Quarter 1

FY 2023: Profit & Loss Statement, Quarter 2

FY 2023: Profit & Loss Statement, Quarter 3

Annual Reports

LCC Progress Report 2023

LCC Progress Report 2022

2022 financials