Longfellow Event Calendar & Board Meetings

Longfellow Garden Club presents: All About Seed Saving: Glorious, colorful, wonderful seeds! 

Epworth United Methodist Church 3207 37th Ave S, Minneapolis, MN, United States

Join Vanessa Van Alstine of the Longfellow Garden Club as she explains and demonstrates how to collect seeds from different vegetables and flowers, how to prepare them for storage, how to store them, and how to wake them up next season. She will show us different types of seeds and demonstrate each phase of the [...]

Garden Tool Swap

Longfellow Park 3435 36th Ave S, Minneapolis, United States

Attention, gardeners! From seasoned growers to novice seed-sowers, all are welcome at the Third annual Minneapolis Garden Tool Swap. Minneapolis Solid Waste & Recycling and community partners are excited to once again offer [...]

The Seward Garden Tour

Explore the Hidden Oasis: Discover 11 Urban Gardens in Minneapolis’ Historic Seward Neighborhood! Presented by TruStone Financial Seward Neighborhood, Minneapolis, Minnesota – June 22nd, 2023, 6-8 pm Step into a [...]


Gardening at Brackett Park

Brackett Park 2728 S 39th Ave, Minneapolis, MN, United States

Come Garden with us! We need help with weeding, planting and more. Join us at the Brackett Park Center at 9am. Bring any shovels or hoes you might have as [...]

Gardening For Wildlife: Introduction


Discover the basic essentials in creating a wildlife-friendly yard and garden. The secret to attracting butterflies, birds, and other wonderful wildlife is reestablishing a more natural habitat. In a world [...]

Gardening for Wildlife: Introduction


Discover the basic essentials in creating a wildlife-friendly yard and garden. The secret to attracting butterflies, birds, and other wonderful wildlife is reestablishing a more natural habitat. In a world [...]

Gardening for Wildlife: Planning and Yard Design for Wildlife


Go in-depth with this Gardening For Wildlife class via Zoom.  This is completely free.  If you want to join us, please email Daniel Schultz at with the date you [...]

Gardening for Wildlife: Creating Pollinator Habitat


Go in-depth with this Gardening For Wildlife class via Zoom.  This is completely free.  If you want to join us, please email Daniel Schultz at with the date you [...]

Gardening for Wildlife: Bird Habitat


Go in-depth with this Gardening For Wildlife class via Zoom.  This is completely free.  If you want to join us, please email Daniel Schultz at with the date you [...]