Longfellow Event Calendar & Board Meetings

Block Organizers Meeting

Squirrel Haus Arts 3450 Snelling Ave, Minneapolis, MN, United States

Attend a meeting with fellow block organizers to share ideas, discuss ways to bring our neighbors together, make new connections, and learn how the Longfellow Community Council can support you! [...]

LCC Open House

LCC Office 3101 Minnehaha Ave, Minneapolis, MN, United States

Warm up during the cold winter months with some hot chocolate and hot toddies and get to know your neighborhood organization! We're having an open house on Thursday, February 29th [...]

Free the Deeds Volunteer Training

LCC Office 3101 Minnehaha Ave, Minneapolis, MN, United States

Volunteers interested in discharging racial covenants can attend a training session to learn more about racial covenants, why discharging covenants matter, and what to expect while volunteering. Meet other volunteers [...]

Lake Street Clean Up

The Community Clean Ups gather people from the neighborhood and community together to contribute to the health and vitality of the Greater Longfellow neighborhood by cleaning up Lake Street. All [...]

Free the Deed Volunteer Training

LCC Office 3101 Minnehaha Ave, Minneapolis, MN, United States

Volunteers interested in discharging racial covenants can attend a training session to learn more about racial covenants, why discharging covenants matter, and what to expect while volunteering. Meet other volunteers [...]

Public Engagement Session: What is a Community Safety Center?

Powderhorn Park 3400 S 15th Ave, Minneapolis, MN, United States

What is the difference between a Safety Center and a Police Station? How should it serve the community? Join a community conversation with City staff and share your opinions about [...]

Free the Deeds Volunteer Training (Rescheduled)

LCC Office 3101 Minnehaha Ave, Minneapolis, MN, United States

Volunteers interested in discharging racial covenants can attend a training session to learn more about racial covenants, why discharging covenants matter, and what to expect while volunteering. Meet other volunteers [...]

Free the Deeds Door Knocking

Longfellow Community Council Office 3101 Minnehaha Ave, Minneapolis, MN, United States

Volunteer with Free the Deeds and help us remove the 900+ racial covenants in Greater Longfellow with a door knocking campaign throughout the month of April  We will be going door-to-door to properties in Greater Longfellow with racial covenants this spring.  We'll help property owners start the process of removing the covenant with the free [...]

Spring Gathering & Board Elections

Legacy Building 4024 E 46th St, Minneapolis, MN, United States

Join us for our annual Spring General Membership Meeting & Board Elections from 6 to 7:30pm on Thursday, April 11 at the Legacy Building. Our Spring GMM brings neighbors together for food and music as we vote for new LCC board of directors members. Our board of directors helps guide the mission and work of [...]

Free the Deeds Door Knocking

LCC Office 3101 Minnehaha Ave, Minneapolis, MN, United States

Volunteer with Free the Deeds and help us remove the 900+ racial covenants in Greater Longfellow with a door knocking campaign throughout the month of April!  We will be going door-to-door to properties in Greater Longfellow with racial covenants this spring.  We’ll help property owners start the process of removing the covenant with the free program, [...]

Free the Deeds Door Knocking

LCC Office 3101 Minnehaha Ave, Minneapolis, MN, United States

Volunteer with Free the Deeds and help us remove the 900+ racial covenants in Greater Longfellow with a door knocking campaign throughout the month of April  We will be going door-to-door to properties in Greater Longfellow with racial covenants this spring.  We’ll help property owners start the process of removing the covenant with the free program, [...]

LCC Community Office Hours

Turtlebread 4205 E 34th St, Minneapolis, MN, United States

Connect with your neighborhood organization!  Join Longfellow Community Council Organizer Ben at one of our upcoming community office hours. He'll be at a new location from 12 to 4pm on the third Tuesday of every month. Connect with us by email - . This month find Ben at one of our great neighborhood cafes, Turtlebread. [...]